What You Get...
The Biggest Special We’ve Ever Done!
1 month free with 6 months of coaching
2 months free with 9 months of coaching
2 months free with 12 months of coaching
What's Included In Coaching?
Training & Nutrition Strategy
Custom macros and portion goals
Individualized grocery lists, meal plan ideas, and recipes
Custom workout program tailored to your time, equipment, expertise level, and goals
Customized training app to track progress
24/6 texting support access to your coach
Weekly check-ins with 1:1 coach
Private EA Client community group chat
Monthly Community & Coach Support Zoom calls
Direct access to ask coach any and all questions
Private client educational course with digestible information so that you feel prepared to be on your own one day
E-books, guides, and resources
A coaching method built to help you not need a coach forever!